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Transform Your Network with rfMAP

Posted by: lepton
Category: Blog, RF Maps

According to Forbes, there are 2.5 million quintillion bytes of the data created each day, and thanks to IoT, the pace is only going to accelerate further. We are currently in the revolution towards propelling a future that is solely driven by data. While the world is set to digitize, the infrastructure surrounding our networking systems requires a major overhaul in terms of planning in itself. It is more important now than ever to integrate intelligent solutions to derive conclusive information from the constant waxing and waning that the sales graphs of the competitive network and communication market show.

In the past decade, faster networks were necessitated to fill the gaps and the needs of on-the-go streaming services. The era of 4G wireless broadband played a pivotal role in the way we perceived information. However, corporations are in for a new challenge now. Thanks to IoT, we are trending towards a digital age that needs to accomplish data collection on a massive scale, and the electronic devices market relying on such technology is booming exponentially. With 5G poised to launch in the first half of the coming decade, the conundrum regarding investment strategy is quite evident among the network & communication players.  

While 5G is all set to enable 10GBPS speed and Mass-Machine Time Communication, it is important to note that today’s network planning infrastructure is falling short of meeting expectations regarding the problems of signal sensitivity. Tapping Geodata through 3d Maps, Lepton Software’s rfMAPs plays to the rhythm of the data analytics solutions on a new and refreshing note. A prodigal solution in 3D digitization, rfMAPs provides a Digital Terrain Model using raster and vector 3D MAP dataset with a staggering 1-meter resolution for determining heights of buildings, trees, and other elevated objects. 3D simulations are derived using proprietary software that uses data vintage, providing you the necessary information through standardized KML files and shapefiles

While M-MTC is the way of the future, spectrum planning and the initial network sharing issues may deter latency. rfMAPs tackles this challenge by integrating population distribution maps to the solution. To understand how this can help, let us first look at what a population map is?. Population distribution maps provide clutter data pertaining to the population density of a particular region. Clutter data uses various layers on the map that can show information ranging from settlement and habitation statistics to the existence of water bodies, agricultural land, and more. Urban models can pave the way for bringing your customers closer to you.

It seems that the green era of the 1990s for the telecom industry has long gone and moved on towards browner pastures. With 5G set to roll in, the initial hurdles of network sharing, spectrum planning, and infrastructure investments are all going to land in significant damages, while the sales team is scrambling for customer acquisitions. The best way to tackle this is to use intelligent software that can correlate demographics data with infrastructure planning, the way rfMAPs does.

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Author: lepton

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