Securing the borders of a country is an extremely critical but essential action for the interest of national security. For a country like India, which is a peninsula, the challenge is not only to secure the land borders but also the water borders.
Securing a water-based border is a major challenge because unlike land-based border which has a definite fixed terrain, water behaves differently with slightest change in tides and weather.
Securing a water-based border is a major challenge because unlike land-based border which has a definite fixed terrain, water behaves differently with slightest change in tides and weather. Therefore, manual patrolling such huge volumes of water is practically impossible and tends to leave chinks in the defence armour. Location-based technology can considerably improve the securing of water borders.
The satellite imagery, which can monitor the location in real time, can send the data to the naval base. This data can be visually presented on a digital map and any anomalies or suspicious behaviour can be detected and acted upon immediately. This data coupled with radar data, leaves no room for errors to occur.
This automation also allows routing of nearest water-based asset to the area of concern which leads to minimal response time and efficient utilization of naval assets.
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