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How GIS Solutions help in better emergency preparedness and management

Posted by: lepton
Category: Blog

Emergency situations, be it natural or man-made, are best handled when the authorities are prepared for them. If such situations catch any amount of population unprepared, the toll can be catastrophic and considerably a lot higher as compared to when proper drills and preparedness mechanisms are in place.

Though emergency preparedness happens under the assumptions of the gravity of the presumed situation, the real-life situations can be a lot different with unforeseen complexities. In such an instance, the sooner the intensity of the situation is calculated, the better are the chances of controlling it in due time.


GIS Solutions can help in many ways, a few of them being as follows:


Improve Situational Awareness

View emergency information on a map to support decision-making during critical operations.


Improve Operating Picture

Combine data from different agencies into a single map to share with all emergency response teams.


Easily Navigate Data

View, edit, and share GIS data with a familiar tool that is easy for anyone to navigate and use.


The same can be applied by public utilities, police, hospitals, etc. and an interactive eco-system between all these entities can also be created to channelize forces as required.

For knowing more about how GIS Solutions can be a savior in emergency situations, please get in touch with us at marketing@leptonsoftware.com.

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Author: lepton

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