As Delhi air pollution levels reach hazardous levels, the Delhi government on Thursday announced the return of the odd-even plan from November 13 to 17. This is the third time that Delhi will try the radical road-rationing scheme in which private cars with odd-even numbered plates will run on alternate days. The government will hold a meeting to make sure taxis and cabs don’t comply with surge pricing due to excess demand. Two-wheelers will be exempted from this scheme, just like the last two phases.
A landmark IIT-Kanpur study, which covered the period 2013-14, said during winters that vehicles are the second largest and the “most consistent” contributing source of pollutants PM10 and PM2.5.
In terms of percentage, it comes to around 20-25 % during winters, the report says. The contribution of road dust is negligible during the colder months, unlike summer, when it plays a bigger role. The share of two-wheelers, three-wheelers, four-wheelers, trucks, and light commercial vehicles in the total vehicular contribution shows that trucks and two-wheelers are the major polluters.
Seeing the situation of Delhi NCR’s pollution this entire week, we stand in strong agreement with the Odd-Even scheme and everything that will lead to a reduction in the pollution levels in Delhi NCR. Individuals have been subject to public health emergencies since the past few days, and a radical move like the Odd-Even scheme was much anticipated. The odd-even policy will also act as a great leveler of Delhi’s class-conscious citizenry, spurring metro rides, and carpools.
Rajeev Saraf, CEO, Lepton Software, said, “extraordinary situations call for extraordinary measures.” He added, “Delhi has been strutting under an emergency, and the pollution levels have made breathing impossible. All measures which can bring some amount of reduction need to be rolled out. We strongly stand in support of the odd-even policy. But here’s the catch: This is a collective responsibility, and every citizen must contribute in curbing pollution and bringing in a wave of fresh air.”
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